Conquer Korean cafe menus with our guide! It unlocks essential phrases for ordering coffee, tea & snacks. Explore Korea’s cafe scene with confidence!
Feeling lost deciphering Korean cafe menus? You’re not alone! Most cafes only offer menus in Korean, leaving many tourists frustrated.
Our Korean Cafe Guide empowers you to navigate any cafe with confidence. Order like a pro and experience the vibrant Korean cafe scene hassle-free.
No More Menu Mystery!
Say goodbye to awkward moments and nervous ordering. This guide equips you with essential Korean phrases and pronunciations, specifically focusing on popular coffee drinks beloved by Koreans.
Get ready to indulge in the rich coffee culture of Korea! With our Korean Cafe Guide, you can confidently order your favorite beverage and explore the world of Korean cafes.
Korean Coffee Options
English | Korean | Pronunciation |
Americano | 아메리카노 | A-Me-Ri-Ka-No |
Cafe Latte | 카페라떼 | Ka-Pe-Ra-Dde |
Cappuccino | 카푸치노 | Ka-Pu-Chi-No |
Cafe Mocha | 카페모카 | Ka-Pe-Mo-Ka |
Caramel Macchiato | 카라멜 마끼아또 | Ka-Ra-Mel Ma-Ggi-A-Ddo |
Dutch Coffee | 더치커피 | Deo-Chi-Keo-Pi |
Espresso | 에스프레소 | Ae-Seu-Peu-Re-So |
Vanilla Latte | 바닐라라떼 | Ba-Nil-Ra-Ra-Dde |
Drip Coffee | 드립커피 | Deu-Rib-Keo-Pi |
Hand Drip Coffee | 핸드드립커피 | Haen-Deu-Deu-Rib-Keo-Pi |
Affogato | 아포가또 | A-Po-Ga-Ddo |
Shakerato | 샤케라또 | Sha-Ke-Ra-Ddo |
Black Tea Latte | 홍차라떼 | Hong-Cha-Ra-Dde |
Green Tea Latte | 녹차라떼 | Nog-Cha-Ra-Dde |
그린티라떼 | Geu-Rin-Ti-Ra-Dde | |
Chocolate Latte | 초코라떼 | Cho-Ko-Ra-Dde |
Sweet Potato Latte | 고구마라떼 | Go-Gu-Ma-Ra-Dde |
Korean Tea and Milk Tea
English | Korean | Pronunciation |
Black Tea | 홍차 | Hong-Cha |
Green Tea | 녹차 | Nok-Cha |
그린티 | Geu-Rin-Ti | |
Grapefruit Tea | 자몽차 | Ja-Mong-Cha |
Citron Tea | 유자차 | Yu-Ja-Cha |
Chamomile | 캐모마일 | Kae-Mo-Ma-Yil |
Peppermint | 페퍼민트 | Pe-Peo-Min-Teu |
Earl Grey | 얼그레이 | Yeol-Geu-Re-Yi |
Milk Tea | 밀크티 | Mil-Keu-Ti |
Jujube Tea | 대추차 | Dae-Chu-Cha |
Other Beverages
English | Korean | Pronunciation |
Lemonade | 레몬에이드 | Le-Mon-E-Yi-Deu |
Grapefruit Ade | 자몽에이드 | Ja-Mong-E-Yi-Deu |
Green Grape Ade | 청포도에이드 | Cheong-Po-Do-E-Yi-Deu |
Strawberry Ade | 딸기에이드 | Ddal-Gi-E-Yi-Deu |
Strawberry Smoothie | 딸기스무디 | Ddal-Gi-Seu-Mu-Di |
Mango Smoothie | 망고스무디 | Mang-Go-Seu-Mu-Di |
Blueberry Smoothie | 블루베리스무디 | Beul-Ru-Be-Ri-Seu-Mu-Di |
Citron Smoothie | 유자스무디 | Yu-Ja-Seu-Mu-Di |
Strawberry Juice | 딸기주스 | Ddal-Gi-Ju-Seu |
Watermelon Juice | 수박주스 | Su-Bak-Ju-Seu |
Green Grape Juice | 청포도주스 | Cheong-Po-Do-Ju-Seu |
Grapefruit Juice | 자몽주스 | Ja-Mong-Ju-Seu |
Banana Juice | 바나나주스 | Ba-Na-Na-Ju-Seu |
Yogurt | 요거트 | Yo-Geo-Teu |
Mixed Grain Powder | 미숫가루 | Mi-Sut-Ga-Ru |
Sikhye | 식혜 | Sikae |
Pumpkin Sikhye | 호박식혜 | Ho-Bak-Sikae |
Milkshake | 쉐이크 | Swe-Yi-Keu |
How to order a cup of coffee in Korean?
Korean Desserts
English | Korean | Pronunciation |
Toast | 토스트 | To-Seu-To |
Sandwich | 샌드위치 | Saen-Deu-Wi-Chi |
Ice Cream | 아이스크림 | A-Yi-Seu-Keu-Rla |
Cookie | 쿠키 | Ku-Ki |
Chips | 과자 | Gwa-Ja |
Yokan | 양갱 | Yang-Gaeng |
Croquembouche | 크로크무슈 | Ko-Ro-Keu-Mu-Su |
Tiramisu | 티라미수 | Ti-Ra-Mi-Su |
Shaved Ice (Bingsu) | 팥빙수 | Pat-Bing-Su |
Waffle | 와플 | Wa-Peul |
Injeolmi | 인절미 | Yin-Jeol-Mi |
Brownie | 브라우니 | Beu-Ra-Wu-Ni |
Carrot Cake | 당근케이크 | Dang-Geun-Ke-Yi-Keu |
Red Bean Porridge | 단팥죽 | Dan-Pat-Juk |
Chocolate Shaved Ice (Bingsu) | 초코빙수 | Cho-Ko-Bing-Su |
Green Tea Shaved Ice (Bingsu) Matcha Shaved Ice (Bingsu) | 녹차빙수 | Nok-Cha-Bing-Su |
Tart | 타르트 | Ta-Reu-Teu |
Honey Bread | 허니브레드 | Heo-Ni-Peu-Re-Deu |
Churro | 츄러스 | Chyu-Reo-Seu |
Fondant au Chocolat | 퐁당쇼콜라 | Pung-Dang-Syo-Kol-Ra |
Whipped Cream Cake | 생크림케이크 | Sang-Keu-Rim-Ke-Yi-Keu |
1 Piece of Cake | 조각케이크 | Jo-Gak-Ke-Yi-Keu |
Roll Cake | 롤케이크 | Rol-Ke-Yi-Keu |
Chocolate Cake | 초코케이크 | Cho-Ko-Ke-Yi-Keu |
Crepe | 크레페 | Keu-Re-Pe |
Cheese Cake | 치즈케이크 | Chi-Jeu-Ke-Yi-Keu |
Muffin | 머핀 | Meo-Pin |
Pretzel | 프레즐 | Peu-Re-Jeul |
Scone | 스콘 | Seu-Kon |
Bagel | 베이글 | Be-Yi-Geul |
Hangwa (Korean Traditional Snack) | 한과 | Han-Gwa |
Korean Phrases for Placing the Order
Well, now you know what you want to order. But, how will you do it?
Check out these common phrases in Korean that you can learn while ordering your favorite beverage from a Korean cafe! And, if you pay attention, you will find the barista saying one of these, making it simpler for you to place your order without any miscommunication.
English Phrase | Korean |
Here or Take-out? | 여기 (Yeo-Gi) or 포장 (Po-Jang) |
Do you want it with ice or warm? | Ice – 아이스 (A-Yi-Seu) Warm – 따뜻한 (Dda-Ddeu-Sa) |
What size of the drink you want? | Size – 사이즈 (Sa-Yi-Jeu) |
Short | 쇼트 (Syo-Teu) |
Tall | 톨 (Tol) |
Grande | 그란데 (Geu-Ran-De) |
And when it comes to making the payment for your order, wait for the barista or employee to finish what they are saying. Then, hand over the money to pay.
Wrapping up
And there you have it!
With these phrases and translations for your favorite drinks in the guide, you can order yours like a pro at any Korean cafe.
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